Tuesday, January 18, 2011

One Week to Departure...

Since November, I have been sharing my plans to live and work in Malawi with family and friends.  I have discussed details, logistics and what ifs, what seems like hundreds of times over.  My excitement has been building for two months and it has reached a breaking point. 

It's like this BIG game...There is all kinds of hype surrounding it, players talk and nerves mount but everyone is anxious to finally play.  Finally.  I have trained hard/studied hard and its time to find out what this is all about.  For what it is worth, I am READY.  I don't believe there is a state of true 'ready' going into an environment like this one but I am in a good place, both in my head and in my heart, so that is all I could hope for. 

The difference between this and the BIG game though, is that there has been no s#%t talking from either team.  I have received nothing but love and support from everyone.  Thank you for this.  You all mean the world to me and I would not feel half as confidant in my endeavour without you to lift me up so high. 

The next post, dare I say blog (Courtney), will be written from Malawi.  I will be +10 hours PST so when the sun has set on the West Coast I will be greeted by a new sun bringing light to a different part of the world I will now call home for the next six months.

All my best ALWAYS and WHEREVER!    


  1. I am looking forwards to hearing about the adventures triumphs and news from you over there! You are such an outrageously amazing person and I am quite envious and amazed at the heart and spirit you have in you. I wish you all the best and can't wait to hear more!

  2. Give 'em Hell, Lou.

    Well, give them education and inspiration and all that, but you know what I mean.

  3. Safe journey and we are looking forward to your posts, hearing about your adventures.

  4. You are in the same time zone as us over here in Jordan! How exciting. We can't wait to hear about how you are doing once you arrive (are you arrived yet?)
